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Learning Resources: Difference between revisions

remove shakti name
(add Attila site)
(remove shakti name)
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If you want a place to ask questions about K, [https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/90748/the-k-tree the k tree(Stack Exchange)] and [https://discord.gg/yNP24TksrM Array Languages Discord] are active on and off during the day.
== ShaktiK9 ==
* [https://estradajke.github.io/k9-simples/ K9 simples - Full K9 tutorial]
* [https://github.com/kparc/kcc kparc crash course]
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* [http://nsl.com/ NSL - K snippets and programs]
== Shakti(K7) ==
* [https://kparc.github.io/ref kparc K7 reference]
*[https://cs.nyu.edu/~shasha/papers/tutorial K7 Tutorial]
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