
Revision as of 02:44, 9 July 2022 by Promovicz (talk | contribs) ("Add category")

Transpose, a.k.a. flip, swaps the two leading axes of a 2+ dimensional rectangular array. Dialects differ in their treatment of atoms, lists, and ragged arrays.

Matrix transposition

Atoms in otherwise rectangular arrays are extended to the full length of the corresponding dimension:


Atoms and lists

Transposing a list in oK or ngn/k enlists it. Transposing an atom enlists twice[1]:


K3, K4, and Kona[2] return the argument as-is.

K9 throws a rank error.

Ragged arrays

oK and ngn/k reshape shorter rows to the length of the longest row:


K9 pads shorter rows with nulls:
