Running K/ngnk: Difference between revisions

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== Installing ngn/k ==
=== Linux package managers ===
==== Arch et al. ====
ngn/k is available on the [ AUR] package manager; thus it can be conveniently installed on [ Arch Linux] and related distros, like [ Manjaro].
=== Compiling from source ===
The ngn/k repo contains a makefile that will build an executable <code>k</code> binary. Run <code>make</code> to build <code>k</code>, which you can then put into your <code>PATH</code>.
It also contains <code>repl.k</code>, which when run provides a convenient REPL environment for interactive programming. It's convenient to add a simple alias such as the following:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
alias krepl='rlwrap k ~/sources/k/repl.k'
== Building external libraries ==
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[ onikuruma] is an implementation of the [ Oniguruma] regular expression library for K. It contains both the required C code and Makefile as examples of how to build K-compatible external libraries, as well as example K code for how to call an external library from K. A short example for reference:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cppk">
