Developer anaseto
Released 2022

Dialect Goal
Temporal types none
Table support dict-based
Prototypes partial (zero values)

Implemented in Go
Operating Systems Go-supported OSes (tested on Linux and OpenBSD)
License ISC

Website Codeberg
Documentation html txt,
Run Online Try Goal

Influenced By ngn/k, BQN

Goal is a K-like language that brings in ideas from Perl and BQN. Its original main motivation was integrating Unicode-aware string-handling functionality from text-processing scripting languages like AWK/Perl into an array language[1].

Some notable changes from the K tradition[2] are:

  • Atomic Strings
  • String Quoting Constructs
  • Format Strings
  • Regular Expressions
  • Error Handling

Goal is embeddable and extensible using the Go programming language.

Goal includes built-in support for date-time functionality, as well as CSV and JSON processing.

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