Amend: Difference between revisions

247 bytes added ,  2 years ago
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(add amend)
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'''Amend''' is a special form of the <code>@</code> verb which takes multiple arguments.
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* <code>x</code> is an array to amend
* <code>y</code> is the index(or indices) to amend
* <code>z</code>(optional), is the function to be appliedapply to those indices
* <code>u</code> is anthe extrasecond argument ifto <code>z</code> takes two arguments
3 argument amend always acts as an element replacement function, since <code>z</code> is [[right|<code>:</code>]] if it is omitted.
<code>x</code> can be a value or a symbol. If given a symbol, amend will modify the variable that is indicated by the symbol.
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1 2 3</pre>
== ngn/k ==
ngn/k's amend has <code>u</code> as the optional argument, instead of having <code>z</code> as an optional argument.